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April 13th, 2021
New Zealand-DLR Joint Research Programme In 2018 MBIE and DLR signed a Letter of Intent to enable joint research collaboration. MBIE invited proposals for feasibility studies under “Catalyst: Strategic for feasibility studies with the German Aerospace Center (DLR)” in the areas of propulsion, space communications and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technologies. MBIE has announced the […]
November 19th, 2020
Some media stories after Kea Aerospace’s company launch: Newshub / TV3: Kea Aerospace solar-power aircraft a ‘game changer’ for aerial imaging Stuff: NZ company aims to become ‘Uber of aerial intelligence’ with its solar-powered aircraft NZ Herald: Unmanned aircraft being developed in Christchurch BusinessDesk: Rocket Lab co-founder seeks $3m for stratospheric aircraft RNZ: Christchurch company’s […]
November 18th, 2020
At 11am today, Kea Aerospace announced the stratospheric aircraft development program for the ‘Kea Atmos’ and acceptance into the Airspace Integration Trials run by MBIE. A special thank you to Hon. Minister Megan Woods and Lianne Dalziel, Mayor of Christchurch for their talks and to Spark for hosting the event at their superb Spark Square […]
November 7th, 2020
Roughly 80% of marine and coastal pollution originates on land – including agricultural run-off, pesticides, plastics and untreated sewage (reference). However, throughout the world, inland waterways and coastal regions are largely unmonitored and under-characterised. The dynamic nature and complexity of inland and coastal environments provide a challenge for satellite remote-sensing, while airborne missions are generally […]
Despite a proliferation in spaceborne assets, large knowledge gaps remain due to our inability to adequately monitor critical dynamic processes at relevant spatiotemporal scales and at sufficient quality. The large area/long term persistent monitoring capability of a HAP (High Altitude Platform) coupled with state-of-the-art remote-sensing has the potential to transcend that gap enabling new science […]
November 6th, 2020
Marçal Sanmartí has written a well-researched review of New Zealand’s space industry for The Space Review. Entitled “Is the New Zealand commercial space success story a model for other countries?“, it’s well worth a read. Rocket Lab’s ELaNa19 Liftoff Photo credit: Trevor Mahlmann
October 24th, 2020
High Altitude Testing Real tests are the bread and butter of aerospace engineering. There are many things that cannot be simulated or tested in a limited lab environment. Unfortunately, some aerospace regulations can make certain flight tests extremely complicated until a robust risk mitigation process has been worked through. The area of testing unmanned aircraft […]